Download Berserk of Gluttony (Season 1) Hindi Dubbed (ORG) HD [Triple Audio] [2025-Anime Series] [All Episodes Added!]

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” Berserk of Gluttony Anime Dubbed in Hindi “

Berserk of Gluttony

Berserk of Gluttony (Hindi Dubbed) Anime Series

  • Native Title:  暴食のベルセルク
  • Series Name: Berserk of Gluttony (Season 1)
  • IMDb Rating: 6.7/10
  • Creator: Ichika Isshiki
  • Stars: Ryôta Ôsaka | Tomokazu Seki | Yoko Fujita
  • Genres: Animation | Action | Adventure | Fantasy
  • Country: Japan
  • Episodes: 12
  • Duration: 24 min
  • Quality:  (HD)
  • Language: Hindi Dubbed | English | Japanese
    Subtitles: English.

Berserk of Gluttony is a 2025– Anime Series ,

Available Now in Hindi on


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Description : Download Anime Berserk of Gluttony Season 1 2025– Triple Audio (Hindi-English) Berserk of Gluttony S01 All Episodes HD TV Show | Hindi Dubbed Tv Series Berserk of Gluttony S1 Anime (Hindi Dubbed) | Triple Audio | Disney+ Hotstar | Crunchyroll | Playverse | Funimation|  TV Show  | Watch Berserk of Gluttony Online or Free डाउनलोड के लिए उपलब्ध on


Fate Graphite was born into a world where magical skills shape your destiny. His skill is Gluttony, a seemingly useless curse of unending hunger that has left him shunned and looked down upon. Until one day, after he takes the life of a thief, his true power awakens: he can devour the skill of anyone he kills to feed his appetite. Will he learn to control this gruesome ability for the better?

User Reviews

It’s truly too unfortunate, in my opinion, that this anime has turned into an objectively terrible one. The story is pretty cool and has so much potential to be a wonderful anime, but it’s simply not. The first three episodes were quite wonderful, but the fourth took a terrible turn from which there was very little chance of recovery. The pacing is gone. The story is over. Gone is consistency. Combat quality is no longer present. The good conversation is over. Bad music. Art was never really good.

Although the first two or three episodes made a decent attempt at narrating the plot and giving the characters life, the awful anime that this turns into is unredeemable after them. I’ve read the first few volumes of the Light Novel as well, and I don’t think I’ve ever watched an anime that deviated from the original work this much in such a short period of time.

What could have been a dark badass story about a guy cursed with the sin gluttony, who devours the souls of the wicked to quell his hunger, instead spends alot of its time on some lame cringe-worthy “love story” between two very dull uninteresting characters.

In fact there are no interesting characters in this. People are either wayyyy too nice, or the bad guys are @ssholes just because we need a cliche group of characters who are jerks to the MC. Its really forced.

I was hoping this would be like The Seven Deadly Sins only good…but nope, its not. They both suck.

Plot: The main character Fate Graphite is cursed with the useless skill of gluttony. Meaning he is always hungry. However turns out he isn’t hungry for food, he is hungry for souls. One night he kills a criminal and absorbs his skills.
But now that Fate’s skill of gluttony has been activated it cant stop. He needs to keep slaying foes to keep satisfying his hunger. If not his eyes will turn red and he will eventually go on a frenzy and kill indiscriminately until satisfied.

This is actually a great setup.
But instead the anime focuses on this boring romance with a Holy Knight (Lady Roxy) who’s only personality is “i want to spread joy”. Its just a boring surface level character like every other character in the anime. There is nothing deep about her, so you dont care.

Fate also happens to find an old talking sword in a bargain bin called “Greed”…wow what a contrived coincidence.

This anime doesn’t do anything great. Fights are dull. The romance is dull. Characters are dull. Its not deep. Its not funny.

The second half of the season does get better. This is mainly because the two characters are off doing their own things and are separated for a while.
So if you can suffer through the first half you will be rewarded with something a bit better later on.
But not enough to save the anime.

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